ADATA Lighting Tulip LED Lamp Presentation

Others/Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2014-03-11

The “Tulip” LED lamp from ADATA has a good level of flexibility in order to save space and the light brightness can be adjusted on three different levels; the base of the lamp is semi-transparent providing a warm, comforting light during night time.


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Packaging, A Closer Look Part I

ADATA have now a wide range of LED products for both interior and exterior, coming from T Bar Lamps, LED Tubes, Light Bulbs and ending with the “Tulip” LED lamp we are presenting in this article. Thanks to the interesting construction of the lamp, the packaging is quite compact and easy to carry; on the frontal side of the box we will get to see some of the main product features:




Some more product photos and details are present on the lateral side:




We have found a small warning message after lifting the top cover:




The lamp is carefully wrapped in a transparent plastic bag for additional protection; since the product has a lot of shiny plastic surfaces, these are also covered with some transparent plastic films.




Besides the lamp we will also get the power adapter and some usage instructions:




The power adapter was manufactured by Li Tone Electronics Co. and is rated on the output 12V, 1A:





ADATA “Tulip” lamp is initially in the closed position (folded):





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