Razer Tiamat 2.2 Gaming Headset Review

Audio/Others by stefan @ 2013-09-05

The Tiamat 2.2 gaming headset from Razer contains an extra 40mm driver in each cup for delivering powerful bass and comes with analog jack plugs so it can be used on a large range of devices. While the sound may be a little bit muddy at the default, this issue can be solved quite quickly by either installing Razer Surround which also helps us create a virtual 7.1 environment or we can simply access the bass/treble settings from our sound card control panel.

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Conclusive Thoughts

The Tiamat 2.2 gaming headset from Razer has impressed us positively during the test period because of the way it sounds after we have ran the Surround software, or after some small tuning but also because of the fact that it is quite light. The outer side of the ear cups share design elements from the wireless Chimaera, but the inner padding is now covered by leatherette instead of cloth. Because of this, the ears may get warm during use since the possibility of skin breathing is limited. Thanks to the two extra 40mm drivers, the bass is much better represented compared to other headsets from the same league.


The cable is quite long and permits us to move freely around the desktop. The small plastic remote allows us to modify the volume on-the-fly but also to mute the microphone at will. Speaking of the microphone, this is partially hidden inside the left cup and can be extended easily; its body is flexible to allow additional adjustments.


While the Tiamat 2.2 does not feature as many drivers as the 7.1 version which is more expensive, the situation is quite in our favor thanks to the Surround software, which enhances positioning and is well tuned by default for the Razer brand headsets.


The Tiamat 2.2 can be found online for about 81 Euros.


Razer Tiamat 2.2 Gaming Headset is Recommended For:


We would like to thank again to Razer for making this review possible!


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