Razer Tiamat 2.2 Gaming Headset Review

Audio/Others by stefan @ 2013-09-05

The Tiamat 2.2 gaming headset from Razer contains an extra 40mm driver in each cup for delivering powerful bass and comes with analog jack plugs so it can be used on a large range of devices. While the sound may be a little bit muddy at the default, this issue can be solved quite quickly by either installing Razer Surround which also helps us create a virtual 7.1 environment or we can simply access the bass/treble settings from our sound card control panel.

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Razer Surround Part I

Even before receiving the Tiamat 2.2 test sample, we have done some small research on the web about the product and a lot of people said that the sound is a bit dirty, muffled and needs some tuning. Indeed, after plugging the headset in our laptop, there were a lot of mids and lows but not a lot of highs. It seems that we did not have to do a lot of work in order to make the Tiamat sound good, but we only worked with the Bass/Treble software settings. To enhance the positioning and to deliver virtual 7.1 sound, Razer have developed the Surround software, which works with all sound card/codecs and most of all, it is free. The only drawback, if we could call it that, would be the necessity of Razer Synapse 2.0, which needs to be installed. During software installation, we will get to see a lot of funny messages under the progress bar:




As usual, after the application has finished installing, we will be prompted for our username/password:




The Razer Surround GUI is similar to the ones we have seen at the other peripherals tested so far and the options are split on multiple menus. We will begin with the calibration procedure, in order to adjust the software to our audio equipment:




We will be prompted to select the audio source we will use the Surround with:




If we are using regular headphones (non-Razer), we should select “Stereo Headphones” at the next step:




Razer has pre-programmed profiles for each type of stereo headphones manufactured by them:




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