Razer Tiamat 2.2 Gaming Headset Review

Audio/Others by stefan @ 2013-09-05

The Tiamat 2.2 gaming headset from Razer contains an extra 40mm driver in each cup for delivering powerful bass and comes with analog jack plugs so it can be used on a large range of devices. While the sound may be a little bit muddy at the default, this issue can be solved quite quickly by either installing Razer Surround which also helps us create a virtual 7.1 environment or we can simply access the bass/treble settings from our sound card control panel.

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Packaging, A Closer Look

The Tiamat 2.2 headset from Razer is another interesting product, sporting two drivers in each cup (40mm), one which has function as a subwoofer. The packaging is similar to the one we have found with the SWTOR headset, which lets us take a look at the product without unsealing the package:





On the back side of the packaging, we will learn some more details regarding the headset components, in multiple languages:




Here the manufacturer has also insisted on noting that we are talking about the Tiamat 2.2 stereo headset and not the 7.1 which sports no less than 10 drivers:




Some of the main product highlights are described in more detail on the side of the packaging:




If we get the headset out of the main packaging, we will observe that half of it is still held inside a cardboard box along with the rest of the bundle/documentation:




The heatset might look big at first but is quite light and features an automatically adjustable head rest, as we have also seen on the Siberia V2:




For keeping the headset confortable even after longer periods of time, we can see foam padding areas placed at equal distance. The green stitches of the headrest remind us of the official Razer color:




The earcups also come with foam padding and are covered by leatherette; these do not apply a lot of pressure on the head but become a little warm when using the headset for a long time:




The Tiamat 2.2 is wired but the braided cable is of good quality and durable; by looking at the exterior side of the cups, we will remember the design we have also found on the Chimaera:






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