Patriot Memory Tab 16GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive Review

Storage/Other by stefan @ 2013-06-27

The new Patriot Tab USB 3.0 flash drive was designed with a tiny but durable aluminum chassis for excellent portability and features good transfer speeds. The product can be found in stores with 8GB, 16GB and 32GB storage capacities and a 64GB version is in preparation too.

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Conclusive Thoughts

The new Patriot Tab USB 3.0 flash drive was designed with a tiny but durable aluminum chassis for excellent portability and features good transfer speeds. Also, thanks to its size we can keep it connected to our laptop when traveling if needed.


The Tab sports a 2-year warranty from Patriot Memory and is currently available in 8GB, 16GB and 32GB variants; the 64GB version is coming too, as we have seen from the Computex 2013 presentation.


The version that we have just tested can be found online for about 23 Euros.


Patriot Memory Tab 16GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive is Recommended For:



I would like to thank again to Patriot Memory for making this article possible!


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