Synology® DiskStation DS213air NAS Review

Storage/NAS by stefan @ 2012-10-31

The new DS213air NAS from Synology is quite an interesting product, offering a WiFi interface that can be used as a wireless hotspot, a wireless router or to join a wireless network. Besides the good performance on wired LAN, we can also enjoy the DSM 4 interface, which is really easy to use. The price, however, is a bit high so we would recommend it more in small business environments rather than for homes.

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The Synology DSM Software Part II

The GUI also has a wizard which helps getting through the initial steps faster:




To be able to use the available storage space, we first have to create volumes onto the disks:





The Volume Creation Wizard will let us choose different options like Single/Multiple Volumes on RAID, RAID types and we can also choose to check the disk surface after volume creation:






Creating a volume is not enough; to get the drive space utilized easily throughout the network, we must create one or several shared folders:




During the creation of a shared volume, we can specify different options:



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