XFX Radeon HD 7770 Black Super Overclocked Edition DD Video Card Review

Videocards/VGA Reviews by stefan @ 2012-02-21

The Radeon HD 7770 Black Super Overclocked Edition Double Dissipation is a video card from XFX featuring the new "Cape Verde" mainstream GPU. The card is cooled by the new dual fan cooling system from the same manufacturer, which is both efficient and silent, the GPU reaching no more than 65 degrees after 15 minutes of stress testing in Furmark. The card comes pre-overclocked and still has some headroom left without the need of raising the stock voltage.

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Synthetic Benchmarks

We first converted the obtained scores/FPS for each benchmark to a percentage in comparison to the highest score (=100%), we then averaged all the benchmark scores per resolution/IQ and the results are put into these charts. So these are relative performance charts in % to the fastest card. (full performance numbers here)


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