Mad Catz R.A.T 7 Gaming Mouse - Albino Edition Review

Others/Mice & Keyboards by stefan @ 2011-11-15

Besides the interesting features taken from the "vanilla" R.A.T 7 Gaming mouse, the Albino Edition features a more powerful sensor, Mac compatibility and an interesting white color. Most of its components are adjustable, so we could spend little time to make it fit our hand as comfortable as possible.

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The Software Application Part 1

After plugging in the mouse into a spare USB port, it is recommended to download the available drivers and applications, located on the Cyborg Gaming website: When executed, the installer will let us know what will be updated:




If the installation completes successfully, we will get the confirmation:




The same dialog windows we will get when installing the software:





On the first run of the Profile Editor, we will be prompted to select the device we want to control:




The application interface is divided into multiple tabs, each of them providing us information and settings to modify; the Product tab shows a photo of the Albino mouse, and lets us know regarding what settings we can customize:



Inside the Settings tab, we can customize the DPI levels on the 4 available steps; the X and Y axis sensitivity can be linked, or we can specify different values for each; in the same menu, the Precision Aim feature can be personalized:



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