Mad Catz F.P.S. Pro Wireless GamePad for PlayStation®3 Review

Others/Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2011-10-31

The Mad Catz F.P.S. Pro Wireless GamePad for PS3 has a solid build and comes with some unique features like anti-slip grips on the sides, adjustable backlight for the thumbsticks and two extra programmable buttons underside the device, to help us while gaming intensively with our friends.

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Conclusive Thoughts

Mad Catz have done a good job developing a solid built PS3 controller, with which we can get enough liberty of movement thanks to the wireless capability and can be held securely by using the anti-slip grips. Compared to the Sixaxis, the F.P.S. Pro brings to the table two additional buttons that can be programmed on the fly by using the switches on the back of the device.


After using the Sixaxis for a long time, when I have switched to the F.P.S. Pro controller it seemed a little more “fat”, bulky, mostly because of the rubber surface, but I have got used to it really fast. In the end, it seemed more comfortable compared to Sony's offering, which has only a plastic surface.


The two backlit thumbsticks give the controller a nice look, and besides eye candy, if we have more devices of the same model we can identify them by looking at the colored LEDs. To save battery life, we can always turn off the backlight, but what it seemed weird during testing was the fact the controller does not remember the light setting it was put on after the controller turned off and then back on (it defaults to red light).


The product can be found in the GameShark Store for about 39.99 Euros.

Mad Catz F.P.S. Pro Wireless GamePad for PS3 Recommended For:


I would like to thank again to Mad Catz for making this review possible!

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