First up some newer benchmarks tested on the Asus Crosshair V (Bios 9911) for the AMD CPUs and for the 2600K on the ASUS P67 Dlx and finally the i7 990X on the Asus Rampage 3 Extreme.
Common parts used where :
- Corsair Dominator PC12800C8 rams CL8-8-8-24 1T, 4gb in total for the Dual channel setups, 6Gb for X58
- MSI GTX 480 Lightning ( downclocked at stock GTX480 clocks )
- Nvidias 280.26 WHQL drivers and 285.35 for the Battlefield 3 game test
- Corsair AX 1200 PSU
- Windows 7 Pro SP1 with all the latest patches and updates
Cinebench Release 11 is up first. We've always used the reliable Release 10 version, so time for a new updated version.
No surprises here as the outcome is similar to the older variant. Bulldozer with it's "8" cores pulling away from the hexacore Thuban 1090T and Intels 2500K. The 2600K and gulftown 990X are out of reach.
We've read some complaints about not including enough rendering benchmarks, so POVRay and Specpreview were installed on our test hard drives. That's more than enough rendering action my heart can take.
The brand new FX again pulling away from it's predecessor, rendering 14 secs faster then the 1090T. The Sandybridge CPUs are going completely bezerk in the POVRay test. The same can be concluded from the SPECpreview benchmark suite. This time the FX 8150 is near Gulftown performance. Yet it's closest main rivals price wise the 2500K and 2600K are lightyears ahead in performance.
The Fritz 12 Deep Chess Benchmark clearly gives away the raw calculating power of a CPU architecture. Utilising all the cores to it's fullest potential. The Bulldozer FX-8150, ahead of the 1090T and 2500K. The latters bigger brothers are untouchable in this test.
For allround PC performance Futuremarks Pcmark test suite has always been a reliable tool. Stressing the CPU, GPU, HDD's as the entire complete subsytem. The Pcmark05 suite already takes a while to complete, the 07 version is an even longer stress test.
In the older PCMark 05 the FX 8150 has a hard time to unleash it's architectural potential, finishing dead last. In PCMark 07 it can just avoid that unhonourfull last place, sadly still not being able to keep up with the tested Intel offerings.
A lot of readers and forum members still have doubts about the SuperPi test. Since it's purely single threaded, they doubt the value of this benchmark. As it hardly benefits from a multi core environment. Time to pull out a multi threaded version of Superpi (on AMDs advice). We opted to use the 2.52Gb test nr 5, as it was a good balance between the available ram in Windows 7 and the installed 4Gb. ( i7 990X ofcourse had 6Gb installed in triple channel config ) While in SuperPi the FX had a hard time to come even close to the 1090T, it's the other way around now. The extra "cores" give it a slight 9 secs advantage. The Intel CPUs still outclass the AMD offerings by miles...
Latest test before we plunge ourselves in some added game titles is the latest winrar 64bit version. The included benchmark tool calculates the MB/s our beloved CPUs can archieve. The AMD FX-8150 taking an impressive victory here. Without a doubt the fastest Winrarring desktop CPU on the planet at the time of writing.
Epic fail.