Thermaltake Max 5G Active Cooling 3.5'' External HDD Enclosure Review

Storage/Other by stefan @ 2011-05-10

Inside the Max 5G Active Cooling 3.5'' USB 3.0 External HDD Enclosure from Thermaltake, we can install in a matter of seconds our drive and start transferring data at high speeds. The dual 80mm fans help cooling the HDD while it is on, so we can obtain similar temperatures as we would have installed the drive inside a well ventilated computer case.

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A Closer Look Part III

After opening up the lateral, we can see the enclosure electronics, along with the two fans:




Each 80mm fan is rated 12V, 0.15A:




On one of the sides, we can find a plastic piece with two pins, which must be aligned with the holes of the HDD we are inserting:




After the HDD has been inserted, we must slide it back to engage the connection points:




Next, we have to snap the locking clip against the other side of the HDD:





The HDD will be also held from the other laterals with the plastic pieces located on the cover:




After fixing again the cover with the black screws, we can plug in the USB 3.0 cable, power adapter, and turn the unit on. The blue LEDs add a nice effect and aren't excessively bright:




The front activity LED also lights up blue:



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