Foxconn AHD1S "AMD APU Onboard" Motherboard Review

Motherboards/IntegratedCPU by stefan @ 2011-03-04

The Foxconn AHD1S motherboard comes equipped with one of the latest APUs from AMD, the E-350 with RADEON HD 6310 Integrated Graphics, much more powerful than the Intel Atom + Ion 2 offerings, in all productivity applications and games. The motherboard does also feature a completely passive cooling system, so it will not add any extra noise to our setup.

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The Board BIOS Part II

The Overclocking Configuration menu does not bring anything out of the ordinary; here we have only one option: to overvolt the installed memory:



In the Northbridge Configuration menu, we can find information on how much memory is installed, and we can modify how much memory we can reserve from the RAM for the integrated GPU (512MB is the maximum value and 32MB the minimum):



In the Boot Configuration menu, we can enable/disable Quiet Boot feature, or set the boot priorities:



The Power menu contains settings to modify regarding power management:



In the Health (PC Health Status) menu, we can see the current temperatures, fan speeds and voltages, updated continuously; on the bottom we can set the CPU warning and shutdown temperatures, along with the Smart Fan Control feature:



In the Security menu, we can set an Administrator and User password:



Finally, in the Save & Exit menu, we can save, discard or load factory defaults:


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